If you or family members are blind or partially sighted we can give you a CD or large print of our practice leaflet upon request. Please ask reception for further information.
For more advice and support for blind people please see the following websites:
The Blue Badge scheme is for people with severe mobility problems. It allows Blue Badge holders to park close to where they need to go, we have spaces available for blue badge holders.
If you have any special needs please let our staff know so that we can help and ensure you get the same support in the future.
In a genuine major emergency you can either:
Dial 999 for an ambulance or Go straight to the Accident & Emergency Dept. If you are not sure what to do, telephone 01484 715324
Call us to arrange your appointment and then arrange transport down to surgery if you can, you will be seen quicker.
However if you have any serious breathing difficulties or chest pain then please call 999
Be prepared:-
If you or someone you look after has a long term condition (such as diabetes, asthma or heart trouble) always be prepared. Make sure you have enough supplies of required medication and know what to do if the condition worsens. If you are unsure, ask your GP.
Some examples of major EMERGENCIES:
Severe Chest Pain
Especially in the centre of the chest with feeling sick or cold or with breathing difficulties.
Needs urgent assessment.
Breathing difficulties
These are serious if the person is gasping or panting for air, choking or unable to swallow or speak.
High temperature
Look out for a temperature higher than 40 degrees Celsius, or a stiff neck, cramps or vomiting. Call if in doubt.
Serious injuries
Such as head injuries, eye injuries, deep cuts, serious burns or the possibility of broken bones - are all best treated in a Casualty Department.
Any collapse, loss of consciousness, fit or if the person cannot be woken - should be treated seriously.
Stomach Pains
Persistent stomach pains especially severe ones which may be associated with vomiting.
Allergic reactions
Serious ones which may cause difficulty in breathing or a widespread rash.
We have extended hours surgeries every Monday 18:30pm-20:00 pm, both Dr and Nurse appts are available. These appointments are pre-bookable only and access to the surgery during this time is controlled (ie doors are not open to general public). Where the practice is closed for a bank holiday these sessions will be re-provided mainly on a Tuesday (exceptions to this are Christmas and New Year bank holidays as the days change).
NHS England require that the net earnings of doctors engaged in the practice is publicised, and the required disclosure is shown below. However, it should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice and should not be used to form any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparison with any other practice.
All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.
The average pay for GPs working in this practice in the last full financial year was £87,089 before Tax and National insurance. This is for 2 full time GPs, 3 part time GPs and 0 locum GPs who worked in the practice for more than six months.
Educational philosophy
Our practice team aims at cultivating a positive social learning culture and believe in progressiveness through a collaborative approach. We believe in mutual respect by valuing contributions of each member and promote cohesiveness in times of challenge. We encourage all members to contribute to solutions by applying evidence, pragmatism and creativity
Rydings Hall Surgery is a training practice with a strong emphasis on providing high quality patient care through continued training and development of the future workforce. We participate in the training of medical students and the advanced training of qualified doctors who wish to specialise as General Practitioners.
A GP Registrar is a fully qualified doctor who is gaining advanced experience in General Practice and you may be offered an appointment with one. We also teach Medical Students, Nurses and Physician Associates. The patient services advisor will inform you of the occasions when a surgery is being held jointly. This can be a surgery in which GP Trainer and GP Registrar are present or a GP and a medical student.
For training purposes we sometimes conduct video recording of consultations with an informed written consent. This will be done before and after the recording.
No physical examinations are recorded.
The Practice team would like to thank our patients for supporting us with the continuing education of future GPs and the Primary care workforce.
Guide dogs are welcome at the surgery but we ask that you be aware of other patients and staff who may have an allergy or fear of dogs.
Further Information:
It is important that we have up-to-date contact details for you, so we can let you know about screenings, vaccinations and appointment reminders. If you have changed your mobile number or email address recently, you can add it to your NHS record by following the guidance about managing your NHS account. You may also receive a text or email from the NHS asking you to do this.
If you are unable to update your details online or through the NHS App, please get in touch with us either by email [email protected] or tel 01484 715324 and we’ll update your records for you.
At Rydings Hall we have a loop induction system at the reception desk to assist the hearing impaired. For more information on the loop hearing system visit Hearing Link website.
The Practice takes it very seriously if a member of staff, one of the doctors or nursing team is treated in an abusive or violent way.
The Practice supports the government's 'Zero Tolerance' campaign for Health Service Staff. This states that GPs and their staff have a right to care for others without fear of being attacked or abused.
The staff understand that ill patients do not always act in a reasonable manner and will take this into consideration when trying to deal with a misunderstanding or complaint.
However, aggresive behaviour, be it violent or abusive, will not be tolerated and may result in you being removed from the Practice list and, in extreme cases, the Police being contacted. If removed from the list you may be placed on the 'safe treatment scheme' operated in Calderdale. In summary, we will not hesitate to remove patients from our list who:
- are violent or abusive to any Practice member.
- use or condone threatening or violent behaviour.
- cause damage/steal from the Practice's premises/staff/patients.
- obtain drugs and/or medical services fraudulently.
We ask you to treat your GPs and their staff courteously at all times.
Why are fees charged?
The government's contract with GPs covers medical services to NHS patients. However, in recent years more and more organisations have been involving doctors in a wide range of non NHS work. This work is not funded by the government, so GPs have to charge a fee to cover their time and other expenses.
Surely the doctor is being paid anyway?
It is important to understand that many GPs are not employed by the NHS. They are self-employed and they have to cover the costs of everything from the limited NHS funds provided - staff wages, buildings, heating, lighting, etc - in the same way as any small business. The NHS covers costs for NHS work, but not for non-NHS work, the fees charged by GPs contribute towards keeping the surgery running.
Do GPs have to do non-NHS work for their patients?
With certain limited exceptions, GPs do not have to carry our non-NHS work. Many GPs however will always attempt to assist their patients and carry out this work.
Why does it sometimes take my GP a long time to complete my form/letter?
Time spent completing forms & preparing reports takes the GP away from the medical care of patients which will always have top priority. GPs have an ever increasing workload of forms which must be prioritised against offering appointments and other urgent administration. We aim to complete non-NHS work within two weeks of reciept.
I only need the GP's signature - what's the problem?
When a GP signs a certificate, completes a report or writes a letter it is a condition of remaining on the medical register (which allows them to practice as a doctor), that they only sign what they know to be true. In order to complete even the simplest of forms, the doctor may have to check a patient's entire medical record.
We are unable to guarantee that forms or medicals can be completed ‘urgently’ or within a short time scale.
To check progress or ask about the fees charged please telephone 01484 715324.
NB: Practice policy is not to provide letters of support for housing or benefits appeals.
Please find our patient privacy notice attached here
Please note proof of address is required for new patients and changes in address.
We accept new patients who live in either Brighouse, Rastrick or Bailiff Bridge areas only. If patients move house outside of our practice boundary you will will asked to re-register with a practice in that area.
Click on this link to see if you are in the practice's catchment area (please note we have registered patients where their postcode is the same as patients who are outside the boundary therefore it is important to check that your address is in the boundary.)
We have a Patient Participation group which has been running since 2008 and the group have supported the practice throughout this time. There are currently 11 members in the group and we have clear terms of reference and meet on a quarterly basis at the practice.
With the development of the Patient Participation Local Enhanced Service we now also have a Patient Reference Group. This group of patients communicates with the practice via email (the email address is not for medical information or questions). The practice will utilise this group in conjunction with the participation members to communicate and discuss changes being made to services within the practice and seek feedback.
We aim to get as many patients involved as we can from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email or otherwise to attend our patient group meeting please click the link below to open the sign-up form.
Please note that no medical information or questions will be responded to.
Many thanks for your assistance
The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.
Most of our Specialist referrals are done via the national Choose & Book system.
What is Choose and Book?
Choose and Book is a service that lets you choose your hospital or clinic and book an appointment.
When you and your GP agree that you need an appointment, you can choose which hospital or clinic you go to. You will also be able to choose the date and time of your appointment.
The benefits of Choose and Book:
- You can choose any hospital in England funded by the NHS (this includes NHS hospitals and some independent hospitals).
- You can choose the date and time of your appointment.
- You experience greater convenience and certainty.
- There is less chance that information will get lost in the post because more correspondence takes place through computers.
How does Choose and Book work?
When you and your GP agree that you need an appointment with a specialist, Choose and Book shows your GP which hospitals or clinics are available for your treatment. Your GP discusses with you the clinically appropriate options which are available for treating your medical condition.
If you know where and when you would like to be seen, you may be able to book your appointment before you leave the surgery. You will be given confirmation of the place, date and time of your appointment.
You may want more time to consider your choices. If so, you can take the appointment request letter away with you and book your appointment later.
In some cases you will need to telephone your chosen hospital directly to make your appointment. This is because the hospital computer does not link to Choose and Book. This will change over time as the old hospital computers are replaced with new ones.
Can I book all my appointments through Choose and Book?
When you and your GP agree that you need an appointment with a specialist, you can book your first outpatient appointment using Choose and Book.
Will Choose and Book make getting an appointment faster?
Yes. The old process is that your GP writes a letter and the hospital allocates a date and time for your appointment. This could take several weeks and the date and time offered may or may not suit you.
In some cases Choose and Book will allow you to book your first hospital appointment immediately and electronically while you are still at the GP surgery, so that you can go home with a definite and convenient appointment in your hand.
Will Choose and Book reduce my waiting time?
Since 01 January 2006, no patient in England should have to wait more than 13 weeks from when they see their GP and the decision is made that a referral to a specialist is necessary, and their first outpatient appointment.
Choose and Book will offer you a list of hospitals to choose from, together with a range of available appointment dates and times within the guaranteed maximum waiting time. You can then decide to go to a particular hospital even if it means you will have to wait longer, or to have an earlier appointment at another hospital.
Information about waiting times at different hospitals is available on the NHS Choices website. You can also call The Appointments Line on 0845 60 88888 (open between 7am and 10 pm every day, all calls will be charged at local rate).
Your opinions Count
Have you recently had treatment at hospital? If you have why not tell us about your experience as your comments can help make the NHS better. Please click on the website link below or call 08457730012 (local rate) to give them your story.
Was it good ? What could have been better?
The surgery benefits from an automated entrance door. All consulting rooms are on the ground floor, the reception desk is accessible via wheelchair, and we have toilet facilities suitable for wheelchair access.
We are closed one afternoon each month for clinical governance training activities – we will close at 12.30pm and re-open the following morning. If you need to speak to a clinician during these closed afternoons, call 111.
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