Due to high patient demand we have found it necessary to change how we work in order to prevent inappropriate use of a GP appointment ie. repeat prescription requests (unless GP has requested the appointment), medical reports/form signing, pill checks, smear tests etc..
The GPs have asked that ALL patients give the reason for the appointment to the patient services advisor's so they can sign post you to the most appropriate person. They are implementing this new process on behalf of the GPs and we appreciate your support with this as we are trying to improve patient experience and reduce wasted appointments.
To help with demand the GPs have also recruited Advanced Practitioners who work in the same way as a GP (with the exception of sick notes and maternity) and we ask that you support the practice by booking in with these clinicians when you are offered an appointment.
Improved Access Hub info click here
All patients are seen by appointment only. You can book appointments online using Patient Access (you will need to register for this service, see Patient Access page for further information), over the phone (01484 715324), we have recently changed our telephone system and we can now offer a call-back facility which allows patients the opportunity to retain their place in the queue should the lines be very busy. You can also book appointments by calling in at our Reception desk. You will be offered the first available appointment with your preferred doctor or nurse.
We operate an appointment system where a third of our appointments are book on the day and the remaining two thirds are pre-bookable (book in advance).
When booking appointments you may express a preference for a particular doctor but we must advise whilst every effort will be made the practice cannot guarantee that you will always be able to see the doctor of your choice.
Patients with urgent problems will always be seen on the same day, but may need to accept an appointment with another doctor if the requested doctor is not available.
If you are unable to attend please contact us to cancel as they can be offered to other patients. Thank you.
Over the years we have been working hard with our patient group to improve access to appointments for patients. We need your help to do this. In 2010 we introduced a text messaging reminder service and this dramatically reduced the number of did not attend appointments being lost by almost half.
One of the biggest complaints raised by patients is not being able to get an appointment with your help we can improve this.
8:00 - 18:30
The doctors work alongside many highly trained professionals who are often more appropriate for some problems. Many patients don’t know that they can contact these people direct. The patient safety advisors have been trained to direct patients to the most appropriate healthcare professional that may not necessarily be the GP, this could include opticians for eye problems.
Similar role to a practice nurse however they see patients who are housebound in their own home. this can also be due to patients just having come out of hospital
Each doctor takes a turn at being the Duty Doctor who is available for urgent cases.
Routine appointment slots are 10 minutes so it is important that we make the best use of this time. It is often best to concentrate on one health problem at a time rather than several unless you feel they may be connected. Be prepared to talk about what you feel is really wrong or may be an underlying problem. (An emergency appointment is for one problem only). Be prepared that the doctor may need to examine you to reach a diagnosis.
Please be a patient patient. When the surgery appointments are running late, this is because the doctor has been held up with a more complicated case.
We are a Primary Care teaching practice and provide teaching and learning experiences for medical undergraduates - Patient confidentiality is protected at all times. If you do not wish the student to be present during consultation please advise the patient service advisers at the time of your appointment.
For management of long term conditions, cervical smears, dressings, ear wax, blood pressure etc.
Healthcare Assistant for health checks, smoking cessation, spirometry, bloods, dressings, suture removal etc.
All the doctors do home visits but only to patients who are too ill or infirm to come to the surgery.
Please remember that home visiting is very time consuming - it takes us 4 times as long to see one patient at home for every one we see in the surgery. So please always come to the surgery if at all possible - even if this involves asking a relative or friend to bring you or taking a taxi.
11:00am deadline
If you feel you need a home visit, you must phone between 8:00am and 11:00am so that the visit can be fitted into the day’s round. Please be prepared to let the receptionist have some idea of your problem so that the doctor can judge the priority of your call compared to others on his list.
Any visits requested after 11:00am can be accepted for urgent cases only. They will be done by the Duty Doctor for that day.
NHS Direct can also offer you general health information and advice outside our opening hours.
Online appointment booking and repeat medication requesting via Patient Access.
Patient Access is a system which enables patients, over the age of 16, to book appointments, order repeat medication, update their own contact details and view medical information such as immunisations, problems etc.
Patients can register to use the system either online or in person at the practice. Either way, you will be asked to bring proof of identity into the surgery to support your application and to sign up to the Terms and Conditions.
Once you have access to the system you will be able to book into any available, pre-bookable appointment slot with one of our five GPs. You will also be able to cancel and re-book should you wish to. Only 2 appointments can be booked at any given time.(Nurse appointments will not be made available to book online due to the variation in length of appointment and complexity of cases).
You will be able to view your current repeat medication and place an order for any of the items. The staff at the surgery will prepare the prescription for collection or it will go to your nominated pharmacy within 48 hours of receipt of the request.
You will also be able to update some of your contact details such as mobile phone number and e-mail address to ensure we can always reach you if required.
If you would like to find out more about how you can register to use Patient Access click our Step By Step Guide.
If you wish to register you will need to complete the Terms and Conditions form (print, sign and bring in to the surgery — this will be scanned on to your medical records) and also provide uthe practice with 2 proof of identity documents.
If you would like to register for this service online:
- go to www.patient.co.uk
- click on the orange Sign In button top right
- click on the green Register button
- answer the questions to register
- if successful, the practice will receive notification of your registration
- you will then need to bring two proof of identity documents (1 should be photo) along with a signed copy of the Terms & Conditions form (available on the practice website) to the practice before we can allow full access, this must be within 2 months of the initial request.
If you would like to register at the practice:
- go to reception at a quiet time if possible eg. Between 11am and 12noon OR 2pm and 3.30pm
- you will need to bring with you two proof of identity documents (1 should be photo).
The two proofs of identity documents you are asked to supply should be from the following lists.
1 x form of photo identity is required:
- Photo driving licence
- Passport
- Some forms of photo id such as bus pass are only acceptable along with another form of identity with your address on such as bank statement or utility bill
1 x form of identity with your address is required:
- Utility bill (eg. gas, water, electric etc..)
- Bank/building society statement or passbook
- Council tax bill
- Benefit book or card (or original letter from DWP)
- If you do not have any form of photo identity, you must bring 2 of the address documents.
- Mortgage statement or rent card or tenancy agreementFor online access to full records please click here to download and complete the form required. You will also need to provide us with 2 forms of ID.Please note that every request for full access to records has to be reviewed by a GP and can take up to 40 days for a response as to whether access is approved or not.